
Need a Video Spokesperson?
We Offer 4 Kinds of Spokesperson Videos

Custom Video Player

#1 Website Spokesperson

Add a Spokesperson to your website to welcome visitors and direct them to key areas. Increase conversion rates and boost leads. Uses HTML5 Canvas for Transparent effect, but when detects mobile device uses standard MP4.
YouTube Ready Video

#2 Add Background and Logo

A powerful YouTube and Facebook compatible sales video. Choose an actor, send your script and logo. We put it all together and provide you a Full HD 1920X1080 video in MP4 format. Upload it to YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc...
Green Screen Video

#3 Green Screen File

Attention Marketing and Ad agencies, professional editors and compositiors: Save time and HUNDREDS of dollars, We provide you with a hi-res file to use in your Internet video project.
Video Presentation - Quote Zoom

#4 Custom Video Presentation

With our Custom Video Presentations you get a Video Spokesperson, Professional Editing, Motion Graphics, along with Images and Effects. Great for your Sales Video, Product Demonstration or Website walk-through.

What is a Video Spokesperson?

With over 7 years experience in the Video Spokesperson website industry, we understand the business of Internet Video and Internet Marketing is our specialty. Add a Spokesperson to your website to welcome visitors and direct them to key areas. Increase conversion rates and boost leads.

We pride ourselves on our high quality and successful actors and actresses and all our videos are all shot and built here at our headquarters to maintain quality and precision. It is all filmed HERE.

A video spokesperson is a spokesperson who appears on a website to greet visitors. On Laptops and Desktops our Video Spokesperson features a transparent background, resulting in the appearance of a borderless video of a person standing on a website. On Devices we use HTML5 video which has a background.

What a Website Spokesperson Can Do For You

What a Website Spokesperson Can Do For You

What a Website Spokesperson Can Do For You

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